Welcome to the Aston Lodge Residents Association (ALRA) website. Alongside the Facebook Group, and email service, it allows us to present local information, images and news, in the public domain.
The Natural History of Aston Lodge Park
Dr. David Emley (Dave) has recently updated his annual nature report, if you'd like to take a look. Many thanks Dave, for sharing your report.
Run by the residents, for the residents
The aim of the Association, is to improve Aston Lodge as a place to live, by looking after our estate, developing our community and improving the environment, to benefit the residents and nature.
- As a community, we can get things done, as well as help each other, by getting involved and taking the initiative.
- This website has been developed to connect with a wider audience on Aston Lodge.
- It complements the very successful Aston Lodge Residents Facebook Group, which anyone living on the estate is welcome to join.
- We also provide an email information service from secretary@alra.org.uk, to the registered database of residents. If you would like to join, or leave the email database, please contact us.
The pandemic had a significant effect on us all, but through all the challenges, it brought out the very best in our community. We hope the residents association and the website will continue to support the amazing community spirit and neighbourliness, that exists on Aston Lodge.
Please let us know, if you have any ideas or information that you would like other residents to know about.