Aston Lodge Residents Association

Pingle Lane Survey

Towards the end of April 2023, we ran a survey, to get the views of Aston Lodge residents, on proposed improvements to Pingle Lane (to make it more accessible).  The survey closed on 8th May.

Here is a summary of the results of the survey, and comments.

Gathering The Data

We sent emails out to our ALRA mailing list and posted on the Aston Lodge Residents Facebook group, inviting residents to complete our survey, in order to get a representative sample of views.

Improvement Needed?

We received 112 unique responses, of which, 95 people (84.8%) were in favour of some form of improvement:

Suggested Improvements

The following chart, shows the amount of support for each of the suggested improvements:

Tree Protection

Assuming improvements were agreed, we asked the same 95 people, if existing trees should be protected... 88 people (92.6%) said that they should be protected:


All people that completed the survey, were invited to enter any comments or concerns.  Here is a summary of those comments/concerns.