News items are listed in reverse chronological order (most recent items first). Use the navigation below, to view other years. The currently selected page is indicated with black, bold text, below.
Highways bulletins - 23rd December 2022
Staffordshire Highways Department share these bulletins with ALRA... they cover items such as 'Winter gritting' and 'Road repairs'. The latest bulletins can now be accessed via our Links page.
You can read the latest Staffordshire Highways Bulletin here.
Santa to Visit Aston Lodge - 22nd December 2022
(from 5.30pm)
Children (and parents) across Stone can once again see Santa, as he takes his sleigh, with the help of Stone Round Table, on his annual tour of the town.
Supported by an army of local volunteers, the tour aims to get Santa around as much of Stone as he possibly can!
The annual Santa tour is an opportunity for Stone Round Table to raise significant amounts for local charities, thanks to the kind donations from the people of Stone.
If you'd like to donate before the tour, or prefer to donate online, then round table has set up a Just Giving page.
See this A Little Bit of Stone article, for full details of Santa's Stone Tour.
Staffordshire Smart Alerts - 20th December 2022
Have your say on Police and Fire council tax contributions. Note: The following, is a screen image only. For links, please see below.
Links: Queries and Consultation survey. Note: The survey must be completed by 16th January.
Staffordshire Police Smart Alerts - 14th December 2022
We've recieved a couple of emails recently, from Staffordshire Police, via their 'Smart Alert' messaging schemes, please see below:
We are, of course, happy to continue sharing these messages via news items. However, if you would like to receive these messages directly, you can also subscribe/register, by following the Staffordshire Police Smart Alerts link on our Links Page.
Town may find it struggles if 800 new homes are to be built - 30th November 2022
A Staffordshire Newsletter article...Infrastructure cannot cope with extra residents, say concerned town councillors in plea to borough authority
PLANS to build more than 800 homes in Stone over the next two decades have met with concern from councillors that the town's infrastructure cannot cope with the extra residents.
More than 10,000 new homes are earmarked for Stafford borough between now and 2040 under the latest Local Plan.
The borough council is seeking views on its preferred options and the consultation runs until December 12th.
The document includes proposals for 7,385 homes in Stafford and a further 3,000 at Meecebrook, a proposed "garden community" near Stone and Eccleshall.
The proposals for Stone have raised concerns. The borough council is aiming for 881 homes to be built, with potential development sites including land at Marlborough Road in Walton (101 homes), east of Oakleigh Court (131 homes), Uttoxeter Road (97) and Trent Road (20 homes).
Read more
Approval has already been granted for hundreds of new homes in Walton in recent years. And a 2011 consultation on a previous Local Plan for the borough, when 500 homes were earmarked for the edge of Stone, met with comments from residents that ‘Walton is full.’
Stone Town Council has detailed its concerns about the plans in a response to the borough council.
It states: ‘Stone does not have the necessary infrastructure - doctors, dentists, schools and other vital services - to support the proposed new housing allocation.’
‘ The proposed development in Walton should be resisted because Walton has already seen very significant expansion over the last few years and this addition would amount to over-intensive development.’
‘Access to the works traffic would necessarily be through the existing housing estates, leading to damage to residents' amenity.’
‘The proposed developments on Uttoxeter Road and east of Oakleigh Court would exacerbate the existing delays caused by the railway level crossing on Uttoxeter Road and commuter traffic would inevitably be queuing at peak times. In addition, the mitigation measures required by Network Rail are considerable.’
‘A current application for up to 130 new homes on Oulton Road should, if passed, be allocated as a SDL (strategic development location). And the numbers should therefore be included in the overall requirement for Stone, removing need for at least one of the three larger proposed locations.’
Councillor Jill Hood said: As a councillor on three authorities, the biggest and most frequent question to me is ‘when are we going to improve our infrastructure?’ With doctors and dentists we don't have the capacity to serve the public.
I would like to see a promise of infrastructure. It's reaching almost unbearable proportions where people can't get into doctors or dentists.
Around the Marlborough Road area we have a middle school, two first schools and two nurseries. Pirehill Lane is earmarked as a haul road for HS2 traffic when the railhead is built and the construction will be something we have never seen the likes of.
Councillor Ken Argyle said: Walton has carried the brunt of development for the past 12 years. The 600 houses stated to have been built in Walton I would question - I would say it is closer to 1,000.
The land we are talking about at the top of Marlborough Road is agricultural land. It has been farmed for generations.
Town councillors have also questioned why the plan must include provision of new homes to help meet the needs of other local authorities in the West Midlands.
Councillor Jim Davies said: I have sympathy for the Black Country but we have a large chunk of South Staffordshire between us and them - what's it got to do with them?
The town council's response adds: ‘The ready acceptance of the desire of Black Country authorities to demand extra housing within Stafford Borough under the ‘duty to co-operate’ has significant implications and should be carefully reviewed.‘
STAFFORD Borough Council states on its website:
‘By law the council must engage with neighbouring areas on strategic issues including their unmet needs.’
Read more
‘To ensure the Local Plan can move forward and economic growth continues to occur in Stafford borough, the housing figure of 10,700 new homes to be delivered over the Plan period includes the provision of 2,000 new homes to meet unmet needs from neighbouring areas.’
‘This is why the annual figure for housing delivery has increased from 500 new homes per year in the current adopted Plan for Stafford Borough 2011-2031, to 535 new homes per year in the Local Plan 2020-2040 Preferred Options. All councils have to meet a legal test known as the Duty to Cooperate.’
‘This means we have to engage 'constructively, actively and an ongoing basis' with our neighbouring authorities over matters which cut across administrative boundaries.’
‘The matters include meeting unmet housing and employment needs and the Cannock Chase Special Area of Conservation, issues which do not always adhere to local authority boundaries.’
Stafford Borough Local Plan 2020-2040 Update - 22nd November 2022
Q&As for Aston Lodge Residents
Following attendance, by ALRA committee members, at the local ‘Preferred Options’ drop-in session (on Tuesday 15th November), we are now able to provide an update for Aston Lodge residents.
Please see our article, on the Stafford Borough Local Plan 2020-2040.
Crown Wharf Theatre - 22nd November 2022
Update on Progress - Almost There!
You've probably visited the Crown Wharf at some point, possibly to enjoy a drink whilst overlooking the canal? As you may remember, the owner of the premises (Steve Nuttall), kindly agreed to provide the shell of a building, as part of this complex, that would eventually become the ‘Crown Wharf Theatre’.
With lots of help from volunteers, sponsorship, various grants and donations (of both money, time and materials) the vision will soon become reality.
Obviously, Covid delayed things, but despite this setback, the auditorium is now almost complete and apart from the dummy people, it looks very similar to this virtual tour, by day, or in the evening.
Of course, a theatre is not just an auditorium, there's all the ‘back of house’ spaces to consider. By careful management of space and the reuse of adjacent buildings, the theatre can now provide the facilities to accommodate the needs of touring companies, in addition to our home-grown talent.
A great deal of thought has been put into the design of the Auditorium, with state-of-the-art sound and lighting systems. The space can also be configured as needed, with a raised stage/podium if required, or as a large stage, extending into the centre of the auditorium. And when not being used for live performances, it can also function as a cinema.
There's just one major item that needs to be installed, before the theatre can open (hopefully early in 2023) and that's a heating, ventilation and air conditioning system (HVAC). In November, they were still waiting to hear back on an application to secure funding for this ‘last piece of the jigsaw’ (see update below).
If you are interested in volunteering your services or can help with funding (you can still sponsor a seat), then please email: And if you want to check on progress, then take a look at the website:
Funding Update - 9th December 2022
The Crown Wharf Theatre have been successful in securing a grant (of almost £500,000) from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.
‘Garden Village’ in plans for 10,000 new borough homes - 19th October 2022
A Staffordshire Newsletter article...
Residents urged to have their say on developments until 2040
MORE than 10,000 new homes are planned for Stafford Borough over the next two decades - including the creation of a ‘garden village’ near Eccleshall.
Read more
Stafford Borough Council is putting together its latest Local Plan, which sets out proposed development for the area in the years between 2020 and 2040.
The authority is now publishing its ‘preferred options’ for the plan, which are going out to public consultation.
Residents, organisations and businesses will be able to have their say between October 24th and December 12th, with a series of public events set to take place in Stafford, Stone, Eccleshall and Gnosall, as well as an online event on November 9th.
Councillors recently heard that 10,700 new homes were proposed for the borough over the 20-year period of the plan. These, however, include major developments already approved for areas such as Stafford, as well as the Meecebrook development earmarked for land in the Cold Meece area. The area proposed for the ‘garden village’ previously included former Ministry of Defence land and around 10,000 new homes were planned. But this land has now been removed from the proposals, which have been revised to include 6,000 homes as well as schools, GP and health provision, employment space, community facilities and transport links.
Up to 3,000 homes are proposed to be built at Meecebrook in the years up to 2040, with the other 3,000 due to come forward after the plan period. Development would take place over a period of more than 30 years, starting around 2030.
The special scrutiny meeting was also told that the proposals included ‘countryside enhancement areas|’ for Stafford and Stone and measures to tackle climate change. Two locations, in Hopton and near Amerton, have been identified to provide much-needed sites for members of the gypsy and traveller communities after being put forward by landowners and developers.
On Thursday, October 6th, cabinet members gave the go-ahead for the preferred options report to be published for consultation. Councillor Frances Beatty, cabinet member for economic development and planning, said: We have organised parish council meetings and public consultation meetings throughout the community.
I am very anxious that as many people as possible are aware of the opportunity to have their say on what is really a blueprint for the whole of the borough for the next 20 years; not just in terms of housing and commercial development but also where spaces are going to go for play areas, dealing with climate change and so forth.
It's a very wide-ranging document and it's one we're required to do by statute.
One of the points that has been very clearly made is that we're a growth borough and have been for a number of years. That involves building numbers of houses as required by Government.
The figure you will see in the document is 10,000 houses to be built or commenced within the next 20 years. That includes 6,000 houses that have already been built, so the figure we are looking for is 4,500 houses over the next 20 years, of which we are planning that 3,000 will go in the new garden village at Meecebrook.
I ask the local community to look the at the documents and see how we are trying to take this ribbon development away from Stafford and Stone and major villages to concentrate it in a single place so we don't see towns and villages joined up. It is extremely important.
Councillor Jeremy Pert, deputy leader and cabinet member for community, said: I think you are right to talk about the aspiration for our communities and I think this sets the aspiration. In terms of numbers, what is currently a target of 500 goes up potentially to a target of 535 houses (a year), but it is also critical to get the infrastructure right to support any of that development.
I think the whole bold climate change proposal on new developments will put us as the leading council, in terms of local plans, within the country if we can get this through both our communities and the Planning Inspector. So I commend your aspiration and ambition.
Call to consider villages for planned new homes
COMMUNITY leaders have called for villages to be considered in future development plans for Stafford Borough.
Read more
With more than 10,000 new homes earmarked for the area during a 20-year period, the authority is publishing its ‘preferred options’ for development of the borough between 2020 and 2040. A public consultation will launch on Monday, October 24th and close on December 12th.
At two meetings this month, borough councillors considered the preferred options document and were told the 10,700 homes proposed included around 6,000 already granted permission or built. A report to both meetings revealed that 59% of new housing was proposed for Stafford, with 7% earmarked for Stone and 24% planned as part of the new Meecebrook ‘garden village’ near Eccleshall.
‘Large villages’ with at least 250 homes have been classed as ‘larger settlements’ and are expected to have around 4% of the housing allocation. These include Barlaston, Eccleshall, Gnosall, Hixon, Weston, Yarnfield, Woodseaves, Colwich and the Haywoods. Less than 1% of housing is set to be built in ‘smaller settlements’ of between 50 and 259 homes. These include Brocton, Church Eaton, Creswell, Derrington, Hilderstone, Great Bridgeford, Seighford, Swynnerton and Tittensor.
At Thursday, October 6th's cabinet meeting members raised concerns about the future of Stafford Borough's rural areas if new development was restricted there. Councillor Mark Winnington, lead member for environment, said: I have a concern some of the smaller and medium-sized villages are dying on their feet.
We can all recount shops, pubs, schools, churches are in a bad place at the moment - and if we completely stop development in these smaller villages we are slowly suffocating them to death.
We're stopping local people being able to afford some smaller housing and I feel we need to make sure that if there is a feeling within a locality that they want to have one or two houses we should make sure that the Local Plan doesn't stifle that. The younger generation want to work locally, we want to increase economic growth within the rural areas and Stafford Borough is a largely rural area. We have got to allow some flexibility in terms of provision of housing and some flexibility in terms of economic activity, even if it's just small enterprise centres.
We want to provide that growth and we have got to look after our rural areas. Let them grow organically - but local people have to be on board.
Councillor Mike Smith, cabinet member for resources, said: We talk about the hierarchy and small settlements and I wondered why they were in there when we're not intending to build in the smaller settlements. The only houses that will be approved in those are barn conversions I take it, which is no different from the situation now.
I was heavily involved in trying to get a Neighbourhood Plan in High Offley Parish, which comprises Woodseaves which is a key service village. We put forward plans for houses in the area and the inspector threw it out - and that really grates with people in Woodseaves.
Councillor Frances Beatty, cabinet member for economic development and planning, replied: One or two of them have got Neighbourhood Plans in process, and where they are putting forward their own plans they may want to see small-scale development. It's not in our interest to prevent or stifle development in every kind of village; it's not wise and I suspect probably not legal either.
We are also waiting for possible new planning legislation and the officers are working in quite difficult circumstances because we've seen a Planning Bill, we don't know what part of it's going to come forward.
Fresh Local Plan seeks opinions of residents - 12th October 2022
Consultation will open later this month
A Staffordshire Newsletter article...
A MAJOR consultation on a new ‘Local Plan’ for Stafford Borough is set to go ahead later this month.
The seven-week consultation was given the green light following a report to Stafford Borough Council's cabinet recently.
The new ‘Local Plan’ will ensure development is regulated across the borough until 2040.
The report included proposals for new schools, a GP surgery, indoor leisure, and railway station as part of a garden village in the north of the borough. The site - called Meecebrook - could have a network of cycling and walking routes with around 6,000 homes and up to 30 hectares of employment land overall.
The consultation on the ‘New Local Plan - Preferred Options Report’ will get under way on Monday, October 24th and run until December 12th.
The plans will be available in libraries, public exhibitions and drop-in sessions with people also able to view proposals and take part in the consultation through the council's website.
Councillors were told that it is important to make progress on the Local Plan so that policies are in place, and potential land for building is allocated to control future development in the borough.
‘The Local Plan’ along with all the comments, is due to go before the Secretary of State in late 2023, who will then appoint an Independent Planning Inspector to set up a public examination to decide whether the plan is sound.
Councillor Frances Beatty, cabinet member for economic development and planning, said: This will be a widespread consultation and we are very keen that as many people as possible are aware of what will be the blueprint for the whole of the borough for the next 20 years.
It is very important we have an up to date, adopted plan so that everybody will know where can be developed, how much development will be allowed, and when this will happen.
One of the potential developments included in the new Local Plan is the garden village near Cold Meece which has already received government backing of around £1.4 million to help prepare infrastructure studies to see if the scheme is viable.
The report said that since the current plan was adopted in 2014, significant changes in national planning guidelines have been introduced which have had an impact on the council's local policies.
The full cabinet report from Thursday (6/10/2022), can be accessed here. And, more information about the proposed garden village, can be viewed here.
Local Planning Application Update - 11th October 2022
Land Adjacent to Lichfield Road (& Watson's Scrap Yard) - 22/36505/REM
This further application, is for: 'approval of reserved matters on application 18/27783/OUT - access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale'.
As previously stated, ALRA doesn't object to the development of housing, where it is needed, and where it forms part of SBC's Local (development) Plan. However, we do object to the misuse of the C5A - Rural Exception Policy (and its definitions), to allow unplanned development on greenfield sites. For details of the previous applications (and Stafford Borough Council's response), please see this related news item.
You can view the details of this latest application here, and make any comments, as you see fit.
The application is due to be heard on 9th November 2022. So it's not too late to have your say, using the 'comments' link above.
Note: Please see related news item (31st August 2022).
Staffordshire Police Smart Alerts - 5th October 2022
We've recieved a couple of emails recently, from Staffordshire Police, via their 'Smart Alert' messaging schemes, please see below:
We are, of course, happy to continue sharing these messages via news items. However, if you would like to receive these messages directly, you can also subscribe/register, by following the Staffordshire Police Smart Alerts link on our Links Page.
Meecebrook Garden Village Update - 28th September 2022
The following news article was published in the Staffordshire Newsletter on 28th September 2022.
For more details, visit Stafford Borough Council's website.
Note: Please see previous news item (25th May 2022).
S&S LRC - Stone Enduro COMP SAFARI Event - 20th September 2022
Staffordshire and Shropshire Land Rover Club will be holding another off-road meet, on 24th and 25th September 2022, in the fields above Aston Lodge.
Activity is likely to begin beforehand, but the event itself is due to take place from 3pm to 9pm on Saturday, and from 9am to 3pm on Sunday.
For more details, please view the event on the club's website: S&S LRC - Enduro Event (note: the times stated on the S&S LRC website, appear to be incorrect).
Queen Elizabeth II - 8th September 2022
1926 - 2022
We reflect on the passing of the Queen and give thanks for her unstinting service to our nation and the commonwealth, for more than 70 years.
www.royal.ukLocal Planning Application - 31st August 2022
Land Adjacent to Lichfield Road (& Watson's Scrap Yard) - 22/36324/FUL
The above land, has had an outline planning application on it, since October 2018,'seeking planning permission for affordable (local) housing and a local shopping and service centre including the provision of a local food store' (18/27783/OUT).
The developer for this site has used the same misinterpretation of the C5A - Rural Exception Policy that Fradley Developments has used, to propose the building of affordable homes on the Blackies Lane site. Both sites are outside the settlement boundary and do not form part of the current Local (development) Plan for housing.
The developer is required by the authorities, to have a contract in place with a housing association/provider, that will manage the houses... something that has not materialised over the years that this application has existed.
Recently, a revised planning application has been submitted, and it does now include a contract with a housing association.
Update on Local Planning Application - 28th September 2022
We contacted Stafford Borough Council's (SBC) planning department for comment, on this recently revised planning application. The following, is a summary of their response:
- SBC are fully aware of the current situation and have confirmed that the developer is intending to use the C5A - Rural Exception Policy, to allow unplanned development, on this greenfield site, that does not form part of SBC's Local (development) Plan.
- The 'Cascade Agreement' currently in place, means that the properties (if built) would be offered to Stone Rural Parish Council, then Key Service villages, and then Stone Town.
- SBC have not changed the Cascade Agreement, to give it a wider catchment (e.g. to include Stafford town).
- The development is subject to a range of S106 agreements, including highways requirements and schooling places etc. which have not yet been fully agreed, so it's by no means certain that the development will proceed.
- SBC, have confirmed that no other enquires have been made about the Blackies Lane site (or any other site around Stone), based on the C5A policy interpretation.
- SBC have stated that they are looking to improve the wording of their C5A policy, to prevent future misinterpretation by developers. They've also stated, that they remain on target for housing, within their five-year plan, and would not have proposed such a development within the Local (development) Plan.
Many thanks to SBC for clarifying their position with regard to the Local (development) Plan.
ALRA doesn't object to the development of housing, where it is needed, and where it forms part of SBC's Local (development) Plan. However, we do object to the misuse of the C5A - Rural Exception Policy (and its definitions), to allow unplanned development on greenfield sites.
This application for development on Lichfield Road (22/36324/FUL) has not yet come in front of the planning committee, so please feel free to make comments via the portal, as you see fit.
Note: Please see update (11th October 2022).
Key Council Services - 7th August 2022
Need to Contact the Council?
Knowing 'who does what' can be confusing at times... to make things a little easier, we've added 'Key Council Services' to our links page.
Picnic in the Park Update - 3rd July 2022
The picnic took place, as planned, on Saturday 2ndJuly, and was well attended by Aston Lodge residents... The sun shone (albeit behind the clouds for some of the time) and the event was a great success.
Thanks, for the lovely postbox topper and message, and to all those that supported this event. We hope you had an enjoyable afternoon... More pictures and details.
Picnic in the Park - 2nd July 2022
Roll up, roll up... Picnic in the Park 2022 is almost here, and there'll be lots of fun to be had (from 12 noon)...
- Saddles & Sip Horsebox Bar, will be offering cold beer, wines, G&T, Prosecco, and hot drinks,
- And Brian will be whipping up the ice cream from his van.
- Also this year, there'll be a Tombola with prizes,*
- Plus a 'Cake & Bake' stall, as well as a 'Garden & Plant' stall.**
- You can test your local knowledge with another quiz,
- And lawn games will be available, but you are also welcome to bring your own.
* This year, the event will be a fundraiser for community funds, so if you are having a clear out of those cupboards and drawers, we would be grateful for any Tombola donations, which can be dropped off at anytime through June at: 4, Springwood Drive, or 1, Ullswater Drive.
** These are both 'bring and buy' sales, so please bring your donations of cakes, savouries, plants and garden stuff on the day.
'Daisy' (the vintage VW camper van), is off at a wedding this year, so if any other resident has a vintage or classic vehicle that they would like to bring along, then please let us know:
Most importantly, this will be a lovely opportunity for our community to come together, post Covid.
We look forward to seeing you there, with your picnic box, rugs and chairs.
Eleven More Local Businesses Listed - 19th June 2022
Since the launch of the ALRA Local Businesses page in March, a number of new/existing businesses have created Google profiles and are now listed...
The page, provides a link to all businesses, based on Aston Lodge Park that have a 'Google Business Profile' and have provided local contact details.
Campaign to save the 'Grassy Patch' - 17th June 2022
...the green space adjacent to Blackies Lane
This land, known locally as the 'Grassy Patch', is popular with Aston Lodge residents, walkers, dog walkers and those interested in nature (as it provides a wildlife haven for many different species). So, when residents heard about plans to build on this land in 2016, they decided that they would prefer to save it as an 'open green space', in keeping with the theme of the estate (regularly interspersed with green spaces). Select the picture above or this link, to view a timeline of events.
Staffordshire Police Survey - 7th June 2022
Are You Getting What You Need from Your Police Service? Do You Feel Safe?
These are the questions that Chief Constable Chris Noble and Staffordshire Commissioner, Ben Adams, are asking you as residents of Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent.
The public satisfaction and perception survey will help to determine how confident local people are in Staffordshire Police and highlight how accessible and visible you think the force is.
The survey closed on 26th June (thanks to all that contributed) The findings will inform future plan priorities, highlight any challenges around reporting concerns and support local decision making to help keep Staffordshire safe.
Message Sent By Helen Hill (Police, Campaigns Officer, Staffordshire)
Tree Survey - 1st June 2022
A resident on Lyndhurst Grove, contacted Stafford Borough Council (SBC), regarding an unsafe tree, on the land behind their property. An assessment by a tree surgeon, suggested that it was probably rotten inside and in danger of falling, which could cause damage to properties nearby.
The council have responded and are working with a contractor at the moment, who will carry out a survey of all trees on Aston Lodge Estate. Once this has been completed, then any identified maintenance works can be programmed, and hopefully completed within the next 3-6 months. ALRA will continue to liaise with SBC to expedite this work.
Meecebrook Garden Village - 25th May 2022
The following news article was published in the Staffordshire Newsletter on 25th May 2022.
You may also like to view this similar article on Stoke Sentinel's website, or you can enlarge the article above, by selecting the image.
Note: Please see update (28th September 2022).
ALRA Annual General Meeting Agenda - 10th May 2022
Agenda for the ALRA Annual General Meeting, held on Tuesday 10th May in the upper playground area of the park.
- Welcome, Introductions and Process
- Chair's Report
- Secretary's Report
- Treasurer's Report
- Election of ALRA Committee Officers
- Residents Q&A
- Closing Remarks
Upcoming Events - 9th April 2022
Details of the following events have now been confirmed, and are included in our April 2022 Newsletter (delivered to all Aston Lodge residents).
ALRA Annual General Meeting
Will be held on: Tuesday 10th May*, starting at 6:45pm. This will be an outdoor meeting, in the main park, so please bring a chair.
- In case of wet weather, please check the website on Monday 9th May, for alternative arrangements.
- This will be a 45-minute meeting, followed by a Q&A session.
Picnic in the Park
You are warmly invited to the second ALRA Picnic in the Park. This will be held on: Saturday 2nd July*, from 12 noon.
- It's a fun, family event, for the Aston Lodge community. Bring your picnic, blanket and chairs.
- And if you fancy an ice cream, Brian's Ices will be there too.
- There will be garden games for the kids, a family quiz, plus a tombola with prizes!
- We will have bring-and-buy stalls, for: 'Cake & Bake' and also 'Gardening & Plants'.
This event is free to enter, but it's also a fundraiser for ALRA, so, if possible, please bring sweet or savoury bakes, plants and seedlings, etc. for the stalls.
* Please save these dates
ALRA Volunteers Update - 1st April 2022
The volunteers continue to do sterling work around the estate, whilst having fun, getting exercise and occasionally leaning on shovels nattering!
We have a few news items relating to the volunteers:
- ALRA has been granted £500 by Stone Town Council, for us to buy tools and protective equipment. First and foremost, we are looking at purchasing a rechargeable hedge cutter, to keep the pyracantha hedges maintained... Thank you to Stone Town Council for the grant, which will really help us.
For the last two years, the bags of green waste generated by the volunteers have been collected by Stafford Borough Council's Streetscene team. There can be quite large volumes of green waste from the long pathways and the large sections of hedgerow, planted by the developers, which are not tended to by residents.
In March, Streetscene announced they were withdrawing the service, which would be a big problem to the volunteers and our community. However, after a flurry of emails and with support from our Borough Councillors; Ian Fordham, Philip Leason and Rob Kenney, Streetscene have revisited their decision and decided they will be able to continue to collect the green waste. This is great news. We know budgets are tight for the council, so we are grateful to SBC and Streetscene, for listening and reviewing the facts.
The service from Streetscene is only for green waste gathered by ALRA authorised volunteers, and only from land that is not owned by residents. Any green waste from residents' properties, must go into brown bins, or be taken to the recycling centre.
- The volunteer group has been expanding in numbers, but new members are always needed and most welcome. There is a session usually twice a week, for an hour. It's relaxed, friendly and fun. Tools are provided. If you fancy joining the team, you can attend sessions whenever you choose, there is no obligation or commitment. Please email, to register your interest, you will then be kept informed of any sessions.
The ALRA committee would like to say thank you to all the volunteers, and especially the group's organisers. Your work makes a difference to this community and helps to make Aston Lodge a better place to live.
Robert, Helen, Lee & Qamar
Aston Lodge Residents Association
New Local Businesses Page - 24th March 2022
Did you know, that a number of businesses are based on Aston Lodge Park...
This new page, provides a link to all local businesses, that that have a 'Google Business Profile'.
Upcoming Events - 15th March 2022
The following events are scheduled for Aston Lodge residents... 'Please save the dates'.
Annual General Meeting
To be held on Tuesday 10th May 2022 - from 6.45pm... The meeting will be held in our park, so bring a chair! Details to follow.
Picnic in the Park
Saturday 2nd July 2022 - from 12 noon... We are excited to be holding this event again. Details to follow, but 'please save the date'.
Stone Online Chat - 14th January 2022
Stone Police are having another online chat event. This is an opportunity for residents to put a question to the Police and to see what other issues are raised by the residents of Stone.
See below for details of how to participate, or send a question prior to the event...
If you have a question for your local officers, you might be interested in the online chat taking place for Stone residents on Tuesday 18th January.
Local officers answered residents' queries from 6pm to 8pm.
Message Sent By Emma Ray (Staffordshire Police, Communications Officer, Staffordshire)
ALRA Gardening Volunteers Swing into Action - 10th January 2022
The ALRA Gardening Volunteers have already swung back into action in 2022... They have edged, cleared and swept the pathway that runs from the giant oak tree on Mercer Avenue, through the grassed area, to Lyndhurst Grove.
See the volunteering page for some before and after photos as well, as some 'action' shots of the volunteers at work.
The team always welcomes new volunteers. The work parties are usually for 45 minutes to an hour and take place most weeks, sometimes twice a week. You can join the sessions as little or often as you wish, there is no obligation. The sessions are easy going, sociable and good exercise.
If you are interested in taking part as well as meeting other resident volunteers, then please let us know by emailing and we can put you in contact.
The sessions are advertised each week by WhatsApp, text or Facebook messenger. Once registered, you can join any session that's convenient for you.
A big thank you to the organisers and volunteers who achieved so much in 2021 and have hit the ground running in 2022!