Aston Lodge Residents Association


To be held on 24th July, 6.45pm, at Little Stoke Cricket Club (Uttoxeter Road, Stone ST15 8RZ).


Chair: Robert Townsend
Secretary: Helen Townsend

  1. Welcome, introductions and process
  2. Co-Chairs' Report
  3. Treasurer's Report
  4. Proposals for consideration and approval:
    1. To accept the Co-Chairs' and Treasurer's annual reports
    2. Election of ALRA committee officers ‑ Seeking re‑election are: Nigel Holmes, Robert Townsend, Helen Townsend and Lee Mountford
  5. Aston Lodge Volunteers
  6. Residents Q&A
  7. AOB

Co-Chairs' Report

ALRA Activity Since May 2022

Robert, Helen, Lee and Nigel
Co-Chairs of Aston Lodge Residents Association

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